Calcium, iron, phosphorus in package, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, chromium, manganese, sodium, potassium, boron, mainly composed of natural ingredients, ferrous gluconate, kelp, potassium citrate, zinc gluconate and the like. The mineral can help blood coagulation, blood oxygen, heart beating with God, through the system transfer and metabolism function. The body must be taken the mineral right amount, to maintain the cells and organs of normal function, promote the growth and development. The body lack or perturbation mineral took the volume can make bad influence. Although the human body weight of minerals accounted for only 4% - 5%, but as long as there is an excess or deficiency, it will disturb the balance of the body, many diseases are caused by the unbalanced due to mineral. All the minerals are single chemical elements, there are great differences and chemical structure of vitamin complex. The human body can be synthesized although very few of the vitamin, but not making any kind of minerals, so we must rely on the daily diet or supplements to a balanced intake enough minerals. |